Compare Ethica with the Competition

Ask yourself these 3 questions when comparing Ethica with the competition...


Question 1: Is the certificate officially AAOIFI recognized?

AAOIFI is the world’s leading Islamic finance standard. It is not sufficient for a certifying institute to just “teach AAOIFI” or have an “AAOIFI membership” or have “AAOIFI trainers.” The certificates must be “officially recognized by AAOIFI” and there must be some official statement or document proving that. Ethica’s CIFE and ACIFE programs are officially recognized by AAOIFI for continuing professional development purposes. (Learn More

Question 2: Is the certificate third-party accredited 100% AAOIFI-compliant?

If it isn't AAOIFI-compliant, it probably isn't Shariah-compliant. “Shariah-compliant” could mean anything. What people need is authenticity. We abide by AAOIFI Shariah Standards, the best Islamic finance standard in the world, and we have the documentation to prove it. While some institutes call themselves “Shariah-compliant” or say they “teach AAOIFI Shariah Standards,” only Ethica is third-party accredited 100% AAOIFI-compliant to our knowledge. This means that scholars have gone through Ethica’s CIFE and ACIFE programs and confirm that all of the modules and exams are 100% compliant with AAOIFI’s Shariah Standards. (Learn More

Question 3: Is the certificate globally recognized?

Institutes should stand behind their claims of global recognition with hard numbers. Ethica has trained over 15,000 paying professionals from over 160 institutions in 65 countries, and won over 70 awards in its 20+ years. Directors from the United Nations (UN), Darul Uloom, and AAOIFI have stated that Ethica’s name is probably the strongest name in the Islamic finance industry. (Learn More And whenever you have a question, our experienced management team, supported by 20 scholars and 14 IT professionals, understands the practical side of Islamic finance, there for you every step of the way as you get certified:


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